Saturday, 27 August 2011

What you call progress, I call... rape of the natural world.

Yes, more dinosaurs.

Had a bit of a spendy at Claymore on dinosaurs: Bagged me 3 styracosaurus, 2 camptosaurus, a stegosaurus and another Tyrannosaurus so all in all not bad! That was while a load of plastic ginco and palm trees, and flocked conifers arrived from Hong Kong!! I've also bought some felt for desert/prehistoric gaming. OK so it's peach, but it seems to look OK :)

So why have I been gone?? Well I was prepping for Bloodstock; pics of which I'll get on here next time!! \m/

Anyway onto the metal eye-candy.... or not as it may be... Last episode we had the carnivores.... enter the herbivores:

 rather cute Jurassic Camptosaurus. 

 If you don't recognise this then you should leave now. Not too sure about the plates, I'll probably go back and re-do them.

 Another famous yin! The frill is far better than the previous attempt! Still not sure, it's hard to get it right; to make it look striking but natural.

So, what do when I'm not listening to metal and painting, er, metal? I sew metal!!!

 My cammo jacket I got from Bloodstock for a measly five beans, with Trve and Kvlt Arckanum back patch!
 Sleeves are staying on but rolled up. Only obscure Black Metal bands will be going on this probably.

My badass cutoff! I'm getting quite a dab-hand at sewing I have to say. It's quite therapeutic sewing some patches and watching some telly. Good stuff!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler. Welcome to Jurassic Park

So it's been ages since my last update, but since Claymore is ever looming now I thought I ought to post something... Something depicting another love of mine...


First up one of my favourites: Allosaurus!

Secondly, ANOTHER of my favourites... actually take a guess

I've got a group of one of my favourites to still paint, Deinonychus (watch Jurassic Park and every time they say "Velociraptor" shout Deinonychus over the top of it), as well as one of my favourites, Triceratops. Struggling with the colour scheme though.

So guess where I'll be going on Saturday? Spending my well-earned birthday money at Magister Militia, where I hope to get some of one of my favourites, styracosaurus, maybe another of one of my favourites, another T. rex and Allosaurus, and maybe a couple of not quite my favourites but still high on the lists, some Parasauropholus, and another not quite favourite, but still really excellent Stegosaurus.

And of course I'll have to get some bush-hatted ANZAC soldiers in 10mm for suitible "dino hunters" or "park rangers", as well as some jeeps.

Cannae wait!!!