Well, since it's all-day gaming bonanza next Saturday at Forfar I should get my posterior in gear and get these paras painted!
The plan is to spray them with Humbrol Grass Green, brown ink and then begin a highlight layering of progressively lighter tan and hopefully that should be it, picking out details etc.
While I'm at it might get some of these Deep Ones done too! ^_^ (blubblubblubblub)Something to help those who have NO idea what I'm talking about :P
2130 Update:
So it was a gorgeous day... and yet I needed painting done! So what's the solution????
Music, sun, paints, and water.... pity it wasn't beer but hey.
Right, sprayed grass green, and left inked brown.
The uniform's pretty much finished now. Just need to paint up the knee and elbow pads, and do all the attached fluff, and then move onto faces, then weapons, then bases ^_^ so all going well these should be finished by end of week.
Think I'll cheat and buy some transfers though...
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